Where Does Your Money Go?

One of our core values is to “do better.” We believe that, in order to “do better,” we should all support causes that help people and communities in impactful ways.

We also believe that, when people vote their dollars, they can cause a domino effect of good. Spending money with companies and businesses that support your values ensures that your money filters down to make even more of an impact.

It’s so empowering to know that the money you spent on goods or services will “trickle down” to support good causes and programs that continue your mission and that make the world a better place.

With that said, we at the Design Lab want to be more transparent about how your patronage supports us — and which causes we can support thanks to you.


Currently, we donate a minimum of 10% of our profits to three organizations:

  • Girls, Inc. offers mentorship that focuses on support and guidance to help girls discover their inherent strengths and navigate the challenges they face.
  • Girls Who Code is set on building the largest pipeline of female computer engineers and scientists, and is helping young women close the gender gap in tech industries.

We also donate on an as-needed basis 

From natural disasters to people in need of assistance, we make regular contributions to trending or current causes. For example, we’ve donated to the National Bailout Fund, NAACP, the CDC Foundation, Feeding America, and others when needs arise and we have extra funds available.

We support small business

While we are here for all your branding + design needs, we also know that your business has other needs. That’s why we only refer and work with other small businesses, especially Black-owned, woman-owned, or minority-owned businesses. Supporting small business is one of the best ways we know how to make an impact in our communities and to support one another.

Want to let us know about your cause?

We are always looking for new opportunities to support causes and communities in need. Please reach out and let us know if you’ve heard of a program, charity, or nonprofit organization that supports causes that elevate women, people of color, and systemically underprivileged groups. Email us at lab@nicoleyangdesign.com